Opportunities for Young Entrepreneurs in Ramsey

Want to be an entrepreneur?

Do you have a side hustle or dream of owning your own business? We’ve been following the Shifties’ work in Cambridgeshire (a networking group of small business owners) to inspire young people to start their own business! So, we thought we’d do our bit to help young people in Ramsey develop their entrepreneurial spirit.

Have a market stall in Ramsey, Cambridgeshire on us!

We are offering young people aged 21 and under the chance to have a stall on the Saturday market in Ramsey. The Young Entrepreneur Incentive is 1 week pitch fee at no charge and free expert advice on your business idea and marketing.

After that, if you would like to continue, you can take up our usual New Trader Incentive 3.2.1 which is 3 weeks pitch fee at 50% off, 2 weeks at 75% off and 1 week free.

The 321 Ramsey Market Trader Incentive

Ramsey Neighbourhoods Trust’s 3.2.1 trader incentive scheme is a great way to test out your new business!

So, why should you give it a go?

  • Create your own Saturday job!
  • Sell something unique that people in Ramsey need.
  • Sell things that you make – show off your creative or artistic skills.
  • Learn how to manage money.
  • Test out a business idea at a low cost.
  • Be your own boss!
  • Make some extra money to save up for something you want.
  • Get fantastic business experience and develop entrepreneurial skills to put on your CV for university/work/apprenticeship applications.

Two of our recent market traders have just taken on shops in Ramsey, proof that your side hustle can turn into a full time successful business!

If you’d like to learn more about the Shifties, read Alex’ post here.

Get in touch for more information and to book your market pitch in Ramsey:

#sidehustle #entrepreneurship #Cambridge #Cambridgeshire

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