Time Out for Secondary school age (Years 7 – 13)
Ramsey Baptist Church (Salem)
7.30pm - 9 pm
01487 815568
Toddler Group 321
Ramsey Baptist Church (Salem)
Thursdays 9.30am - 11am
01487 815568
Ramsey Ladies Probus Club
Ramsey Golf Club
2nd Thursdays - Lunch
01487 813513
Little Miracles – Family session
Ramsey Methodist Church Hall
Saturdays 10.30am - 12pm
07715 306112
Job Search
Ramsey Library
10am - 12pm
01487 814897
Dog Cafe – The Dogs Meet
Ramsey Cricket Clib
10am - 12pm
01487 814897
Little Miracles – Drop in
Ramsey Methodist Church Hall
9.30am - 12pm
07715 306112
Little Miracles – After school sports
Ramsey Sports Centre
07715 306112
Youth Club CRUNCH 11-16 years
Ramsey Cricket Club
7pm -9pm
01487 814897
Youth Club – BOSH 5-10 years
Ramsey Cricket Club
4.30pm - 6.30pm Term time
01487 814897
Thomas a Becket Church, Ramsey
Tuesdays except Holy Week 7-30pm -9pm
01487 814680 or 01487 813372
Upwood Art Group
Upwood Village Hall, High Street, Upwood
Saturday mornings 10.00am - 12 noon
01487 711411 & 07952181779
Toddler Time
Community Centre, Ramsey
THe last Saturday in the month - 10am - 12noon. Play for the under 5's
Mortuary Chapel
Wood Lane Cemetary
1st Sunday of every month April - October 2-5pm
01487 814304
Ramsey Rural Museum
Ramsey Rural Museum
Saturday and Sunday 2:00-5:00pm
01487 815715
1st Bury Rainbows
Bury Church Hall
Saturdays 9:30-10:30am
01733 844850
Great Fen Wildlife Watch – primary aged children and their families
Wildlife Trust Countryside Centre, Ramsey Heights, PE26 2RS.
We meet on a Saturday, once per season, 10am - 12.30pm, We occasionally venture off to other sites too! info@greatfen.org.uk
01487 710420
Ramsey Walled Garden
Wood Lane, Ramsey
Every Sunday 2:00-5:00pm (inc. Bank Holidays)
Ramsey Baptist Church
High Street Ramsey
9.45am -Sunday School (Great Whyte Hall) - 10.45am - Morning Worship (Great Whyte) 6:00pm - Evening Worship (Salem)
Open Door – Drop in for Coffee
Ramsey Methodist Church
3rd Saturday of the month 10am-12noon
01487 813833
Rhymetime For Babies (0-3 years)
Ramsey Library
Every Friday 10.30-11:00am
0345 0455225
Bury Table Tennis Club
Bury Village Hall
Every Friday 7-10.30pm
Roger Albone 01487 813428
Hunts Mind
Ramsey Library
Every Friday 10:00-11:00am
01480 470480
Cope (Cambridgeshire Older People’s Enterprise)
Free Church St Ives
Every 2nd Friday 10.30am - 12.30pm
01480 370808
Coffee Morning Everyone welcome
Mereside Village Association Mereside Village Hall
First Thursday of every month 10:00am-12noon
01733 844866
Linedance Classes
Ramsey Community Centre
Every Thursday 1:45-3:00pm
01487 824143/ 01480 494367
Ramsey Forty Foot Brownies
The Barn, Ashbeach School
Thursdays 6:00-7:30
01733 844850
Ramsey Library Knitting Group
Ramsey Library
Every 3rd Thursday 2:00pm
0345 0455225
Ramsey Reading Ring Book Group
Ramsey Library
First Thursday of the month 10.30am
0345 0455225
Papworth Trust Fun United Youth Club – for young people with additional needs
Holy Cross Parish Church Hall
Every Thursday 7:00-9:00pm
0800 952500
Ramsey Rural Museum Open Day (April – October)
Wood Lane Ramsey
Every Thursday 10:00am-5:00pm
01487 815715
NHS Breastfeeding Support Clinic
Ramsey Health Centre
Every Thursday 2:15-4:00pm
01487 811717
Ramsey Children’s Centre Bumps and Babies
Ramsey Library
Fortnightly 1:00-2.30pm
01480 379420
Ramsey Camera Club
Ramsey Community Centre
Every other Thursday 8:00-10:00pm
01487 711706
Ramsey Choral Society Rehearsals
Ramsey Junior School
Every Thursday 7.30pm - 9.30pm
01487 813819
Abbey WI
Bury Village Hall
1st Thursday 2:00pm,
01487 813848
Messy Church – Fun & Food for Juniors
Ramsey Methodist Church
2nd Thursday of the month 3:30-5:30pm
01354 677779
Ramsey Children’s Centre Young Parents Group
Ramsey Library
Fortnightly 1:30-2:30pm
01480 379420
Ladybirds Toddler Group
Ashbeach School Ramsey St Marys
Fortnightly 1.30-2.30pm (Term time only)
01733 844901
Adult Careers service Free Careers and Employment Advice
Ramsey Library
Every Thursday 1.30-5:00pm
07717 677940
Ramsey & District Day Centre
Rainbow Medical Centre
Every Thursday & Tuesday
07748 837899
Ramsey Junior Road Runners
Bedford Room One Leisure Centre
Wednesdays 7:30-8:30pm
01487 812829
Ramsey Seniors Road Runners
Bedford Room One Leisure Centre
Wednesday & Monday 7:00-9:00pm
01487 812829
Indoor Carpet Bowls
Ramsey Forty Foot Village Hall
Every Wednesday 7:45-10:00pm
01487 813973
Urban Dance Academy
Ramsey Community Centre
4:30-5:00 4-6 yrs 5:00-5:45 7-10 yrs 5:45-6:30 11-16 yrs
Danielle Manfroi 07776 122841
Upwood Brownies
Upwood Village Hall
Wednesdays 6:00-7:30pm
01733 844850
2nd Ramsey Guides
Ramsey Community Centre
Wednesdays 7:00-8:30pm
01733 844850
1st Ramsey Brownies
Ramsey Junior School
Wednesdays 5:30-7:00pm
01733 844850
Young Farmers Club
Various Locations
Every Wednesday
Jordan 07717 723266 Tris 07743 655337
Big Walkies
Wing Hing Chinese Takeaway, Ramsey
Every Wednesday 2:00pm
01733 844181
Coffee Morning
Ramsey Mereside Village Hal
1st Wednesday 10am-12 noon
Craft Club
Mereside Village Association Mereside Village Hall
Wednesday 6.30-8.30pm
01487 844459
1st Ramsey Scouting Group Cubs weekly meeting
Scout Hut, Little Whyte
Every Wednesday 7.10pm-8.30pm (term time only)
01487 813435
1st Ramsey Scouting Group Beavers weekly meeting
Scout Hut, Little Whyte
Every Wednesday 5.45-7:00pm (term time only)
01487 813435
Ramsey Singers
Rainbow Day Centre
Every Wednesday 8:00-10:00pm
01487 843938
Ramsey St Mary’s WI
The Barn, Ashbeach School
3rd Wednesday 7.30pm
01487 814842
Friendship Centre – Refreshments & produce
Ramsey Methodist Church
Every 2nd, 3rd, 4th & 5th Wednesday of the month 10:00am-12noon
01487 711330
Ramsey Rangers
Ramsey Community Centre
Wednesdays Alternate weeks 7:30-9:00pm
01733 844850
Parkinson’s UK Ramsey Support Group Medication Review Clinic
Rainbow Resource Centre
2nd Wednesday 2:00-4:00pm
01480 896735
Ramsey & District Stroke Support Group
Rainbow Resource Centre
3rd Wednesday 2:00pm
01487 815274
Becket Seniors Lunches
St Thomas a Becket Church Ramsey
3rd Wednesday
07763 205042
Wistow WI
Wistow Village Hall
2nd Wednesday (except August) 7.30pm
01487 822828
St Mary’s Church Ramsey St Mary’s Bingo Evening
Ashbeach Barn
2nd Wednesday 7:30pm-10pm
01487 711548
Dementia Café
Rainbow Resource Centre
1st Wednesday of the month 10am-12noon
01480 415235
Ramsey Senior Citizens Club
Bury Village Hall
1st Wednesday 2:00pm (except Jan & Aug)
01487 711649 www.ramsey seniors. wordpress.com
Upwood Table Tennis Club
Tennis Club Upwood Village Hall
Wednesdays 2:00-4:30pm
01487 812923 hollyhouse. upwood@tiscali.co .uk
Upwood Table Tennis Club
Upwood Village Hall
Tuesdays 7:30-10:00pm
01487 812923 hollyhouse. upwood@tiscali. Co.uk
2nd Ramsey Brownies
The Scout Hut
Tuesdays 6:00-7:30pm
Ann Patmore 01487 815878 Wendy Nicholls 01487 814547
Ramsey Rainbows
Ramsey Methodist Church
Tuesdays 6:00-7:15pm
01733 844850
1940’s Volunteer Day
The Camp Wood Lane
Every Tuesday 10:00am
07881 730047
Mereside Village Association Mereside Village Hall
Every Tuesday 12:00-3:00pm
01733 219818
Ramsey & District Day Centre
Rainbow Medical Centre
Every Tues & Thurs 10:00am
07748 837899
511(Ramsey) Air Cadets
Redebourn Lane, Bury
Every Tuesday & Thursday 7:00-9:30pm
01487 710776
Well Baby Clinic (App, only)
Rainbow Surgery
Every Tues 10:30-11:30am
01487 710980
Lawn Bowls Adult Taster Session
Ramsey Golf &n Bowls Club
Tuesday 10:30-12:30
01487 710992
Rotary Club of Ramsey
Ramsey Golf Club
Every Tuesday 7:30pm
01480 460843
Ramsey Children’s Centre/Job Centre Plus – Stay, Play & Learn
Ramsey Community Centre
Fortnightly 9:30-10:30am & 10:45-11:45am
01480 379420
Behaviour Concern Support Group
Ramsey Children’s Centre
Every Tuesday 9:30am-11am (Term time)
01487 814812
University of the Third Age
Ramsey Community Centre
2nd Tuesday 2:00pm
01487 711265
Line Dancing
Ramsey Mereside Village Hall
Every Tuesday 8pm-9:30pm
Crossroads for primary age (reception to year 6)
School Room Salem Baptist Church
Every Tuesday 3:00-4:45pm (Salem)
01487 815568
Yoga Class
Ramsey Junior School
Every Monday 7:00-8:15pm
Debbie 01487 812218
Ramsey Tennis Club
Abbey Grounds
Every Monday 6:00pm until dark
Grounds 01487 209369
Ramsey Crafters
Ramsey Cricket Club
Alternate Mondays 1pm - 3pm
01487 710851 / 01487 814633
Adult Dance Active Classes
Mereside Village Hall
Alternate Mondays (from 3rd Feb) 7:15-8:05pm
sl.carr@ btintenet .com
1st Bury Guides
Bury Church Hall
Mondays 7:30-9:00pm
01733 844850
1st Bury Brownies
Bury Church Hall
Mondays 6:00-7:30pm
01733 844850
Handbell Playing
Upwood Church
Every Monday 7:00-9:00pm
Mereside Village Association Mereside Village Hall
Monday Fortnightly 7:30pm From 1st June
Child Health Clinic
Ramsey Health Centre
Every Monday 10:00-11:30am
01487 811717
RNT Job Search
Ramsey Library
Every Monday Except bank holidays 10-12 noon
01487 814897
Ramsey Senior Road Runners
Bedford Room One Leisure Centre
Every Monday & Wednesday 7:00-9:00pm
01487 812829
Coffee Break
Ramsey Baptist Church
First Monday of the Month 9:30am- 11:30am (Great Whyte) for everyone
01487 815568
Ramsey WI
Ramsey community center
2nd Monday 07:30
01487 814744
Women’s Section-Royal British Legion
British Legion
3rd Monday 07:30pm
01487 812143
Ramsey And District Garden Club
Ramsey Community Center
3rd Monday of the Month 07:30pm
01487 710702
Acorn Cancer Support Group
Rainbow Resource Center
1st Monday 11:15 - 01:15
01487 822456
School of Dance
Ramsey Junior School
Term time Wednesday 5.15pm-8.30pm
School of Dance
Ramsey Spinning Infants School
Term time Friday 3.45pm-8pm
School of Dance
Ramsey Spinning Infants School
Term time Thursday 4.20pm-8.20pm
School of Dance
Ramsey Spinning Infants School
Term time Tuesday 4.50pm-8.20pm
School of Dance
Ramsey spinning Infants School
wednesday 4pm - 8pm
School of Dance- Pilates
Ramsey spinning Infants school
Monday 7pm - 8pm
School of Dance Ballet
Ramsey Spinning Infants School
Monday 4pm - 7pm
Handbell Playing
Upwood Church
Every Monday 7:00-9:00pm
Trekkers (7-11years)
School Room Salem Baptist Church
Every Monday 6:30-7:30pm (Term time)
01487 815568
Mereside Village Association Mereside Village Hall
Monday Fortnightly 7:30pm
Child Health Clinic
Ramsey Health Centre
Every Monday 10:00-11:30am
01487 811717
Ramsey Senior Road Runners
Bedford Room One Leisure Centre
Every Monday & Wednesday 7:00-9:00pm
01487 812829
Acorn Cancer Support Group
Rainbow Resource Centre
1st Monday 11:15am- 1:15pm
01487 822456
Cope (Cambridgeshire Older People’s Enterprise)
Free Church St Ives
Every 2nd Friday 10.30am - 12.30pm
01480 370808
Ramsey & District Day Centre
Rainbow Medical Centre
Every Thursday & Tuesday
07748 837899
Ramsey Senior Citizens Club
1st Wednesday 2:00pm (except Jan & Aug)
Bury Village Hall
01487 711649
Upwood Table Tennis Club
Upwood Village Hall
Wednesdays 2:00-4:30pm
01487 812923
Crossroads (4-7 Years)
School Room Salem Baptist Church
Every Tuesday 3:00-4:30pm (Term time)
Coffee Break
Great White Baptist Church
Every Monday 9:30am - 11:30am
Amy & Paul 01487 813578 or Sheila 01733 844201
Ramsey WI
Ramsey Community Centre
2nd Monday 7:30pm
01487 814744
Women’s Section-Royal British Legion
British Legion
3rd Monday 7:30pm
01487 812143